Dryer Vent Cleaning in Wilmington, DE

Residential Dryer Vent Cleaning in Wilmington, DE

Are you noticing that your clothes are taking longer to dry? Are they coming out hot to the touch or misshaped? Chances are what you have is a clogged dryer in your Wilmington DE home and could greatly benefit from dryer vent cleaning.

Here are some of the downfalls of a clogged dryer:

  • Ruined Clothes
  • Increases energy consumption
  • Increased wear and tear
  • Increased drying time

All of these issues can be avoided with dryer vent cleaning. Believe it or not, the lint trap doesn’t catch all the lint shed during the drying process. And all those ridges in the dryer air duct are perfect for grabbing lint and creating buildup. So no matter how vigilant you are, every home in Wilmington DE needs dryer vent cleaning. And when it comes time to schedule, look no further than Advanced Air Service Group, with a combined 100 years experience in dryer vent cleaning in Wilmington DE. Advanced Air has the NADCA certification and regularly schedules air vent cleaning in Wilmington throughout the year.

Call (610) 494-0100 Today!

Lowering Fire Risk with Dryer Vent Cleaning in Wilmington, DE

By not scheduling regular dryer vent cleaning, residences are at increased fire risk. Over $100 million in property damages annually are the result of fire damage from clothes dryers. And this doesn’t touch on safety concerns. This risk is why many condominiums and townhomes require their Wilmington residents to conduct regular dryer vent cleaning every year. Think about the danger to a whole building if one resident didn’t schedule dryer vent cleaning for years and the risk to all the dwellings around them.

Perhaps you’ve heard the old trick of using lint as a fire starter. This can be done because lint is very combustible. And the same can happen in your dryer. After all, lint is dry, flammable, and exposed to high heat as buildup occurs. So, without dryer vent cleaning in your Wilmington residence, you have the perfect situation for a fire.

Call today to start the process of scheduling your dryer vent cleaning and don’t waste any more time putting your home and family in danger.

Dryer Vent Cleaning in Wilmington, DEDryer Vent Cleaning Services in Wilmington, DE

Very few cities along the central Eastern Seaboard have seen the population growth that Wilmington has experienced in the past three decades. The two decades from 1990 to 2010 each saw a jump of around 40% increase in population. While population growth for Wilmington has slowed down, the most recent estimate for Wilmington still has a gain of approximately 16%.