Home Energy Assessment in Wilmington, DE

Where Does Air Duct Leakage Testing Occur in Wilmington, DEThe air ducts in your home or commercial building are part of the overall HVAC system, right? And you schedule regular maintenance and testing on them? Probably not. Most people don’t think about their air ducts. After all, all they do is transport the air. Air ducts aren’t cooling or heating the air. But consider the areas where your air ducts are located. What would happen if there were cracks in your air ducts and the dust, humidity, mildew, extreme temperatures, and more were pulled in? Or the air you’re spending so much to heat and cool is escaping?

This is where air duct leakage testing comes in for Wilmington homes and commercial buildings. Air duct leakage testing will give you a complete picture of the health of your air ducts. If you’ve been noticing some of the following issues in your Wilmington home or building, you probably are going to want to schedule your air duct leakage testing soon.

  • Energy bills that are larger than previous years or from other houses in the Wilmington area.
  • HVAC system needing repeated repairs that could be coming from overuse.
  • Excessive temperature differences all throughout your home or building, especially in areas away or furthest from the HVAC unit.
  • An increase in respiratory distress, allergy issues, rashes, and other issues usually attributed to dirty air ducts.

The list above looks very similar to a system that needs air duct cleaning. But if you’ve already had air duct cleanings or are noticing the items above and beyond regular duct cleaning issues, then it’s time to schedule your air duct leakage testing.

Commercial Building Energy Audit

Certificate of Completion for Air Duct Leakage Testing in Wilmington, DEWe know businesses are always trying to save money on various costs, and energy might be one of the highest costs of all. So when customers ask us how they can improve their energy efficiency, we recommend getting a commercial building energy audit. A commercial building energy audit is an overall picture of how the different system in your commercial building works, including the HVAC system, building airtightness, energy usage areas, and more. This is a professional assessment of your building’s particular energy usage and recommendations for decreasing usage and saving money. We also help homeowners with a home energy assessment and home energy audits throughout the Wilmington area.

Home Energy Assessment and Home Energy Audits

Wilmington was like many cities throughout the country whose industrial and manufacturing centers were stimulated by the World Wars. Those with the most considerable increases included industries directly linked to the war effort, including shipyards, steel, and machinery, some operating around the clock. The growth in these industries led to an increase of workers looking for jobs and by 1950 the population was 110,000. However, suburban development and changing economic conditions led residents to move away, and now the population is around 70,000.

For more information on air duct leakage testing, contact Advanced Air Service Group today.