Home Energy Assessment in Philadelphia, PA

After Air Duct Leakage Testing in Philadelphia, PAQuick! Do you know the age of your air ducts? You’re probably thinking about the age of your air conditioner unit, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate with the age of your air ducts. True, there are no moving parts, filters, blowers, coils, and more like your HVAC unit, but environmental and usage stress still exists. So if you couldn’t answer the question about the age of your air ducts or are interested in learning the reasoning behind air duct leakage testing, here are some things that air duct leakage testing may be able to identify.

  • Increased energy bills – energy bills fluctuate seasonally throughout Philadelphia, but if they grow each year, air duct leakage testing might be able to tell you why.
  • HVAC system overload – your system might be working overtime to deliver desire air to all locations. In addition, air duct leaks and cracks mean more work for your HVAC unit and handler.
  • Extreme temperature differences – areas from the HVAC unit experience less then desired air, usually temperate air that seems like the HVAC unit isn’t working. Because of leaks, the air from your HVAC unit is not being transported in its intended condition.
  • Respiratory distress – cracks in the air duct system are letting contaminants settle in the system and pulling them in with the forced air. This can include mold, bacteria, humidity, dust, and more, which can now find their way into your building.

These issues go for both residential and commercial air duct leakage testing. Any part of your HVAC system can start to break down. You probably know this already from the different service and repair issues you’ve had on the central unit.

Home Energy Assessment in Philadelphia and Surrounding Areas

Typical Duct Systems Energy Loss: 25-40% Energy Loss without Air Duct Leakage Testing for PhiladelphiaAre you ready to make some changes to your home? Wondering why some bedrooms are pockets of warm or cold air? Looking to save money on energy costs? These are all great reasons to start looking into a home energy assessment, also called a home energy audit. At Advanced Air Service Group, we’re experts at finding the ways you could be saving money on your home energy costs with a home energy assessment or commercial building with a commercial building energy audit. In addition, we work throughout the Philadelphia area to help customers get the most out of their HVAC systems and protect those important to them.

Commercial Building Energy Audit in Philadelphia

The City of Philadelphia may be trying to improve the local air quality, but the city is ranked at number 12 in the country with the worst air pollution. According to the American Lung Association, residents in Philadelphia are exposed to emissions from both vehicles and industrial sources.

For more information on air duct leakage testing, contact Advanced Air Service Group today.